A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to make my own soaps and lip balms. I bought a cheap set of essential oils to add to my recipes. I had no idea what the difference was between essential oil brands. It wasn’t until I had several ear aches within a few weeks time that I had a friend recommend me using essential oils to help me with the ear aches. I was shocked at how well it worked! I began to research the different EO brands and figure out the difference between them. The information I found on essential oils was overwhelming and I bought several brands, but never found one I could stand by.
When my sister bought her Young Living starter kit I was eager to test out her oils. The more I learned about Young Living and their high standards of making quality oils and their Seed to Seal guarantee I realized that this was a company that I could stand by.
After buying my kit I began to use essential oils in ever aspect of my life. Click here to get started!.