I’m Jenny, and I’m a Jesus trusting, family loving, oil using wife to Dan and mom to Emma and Everett. My essential oil journey unfolded thanks in no small part to a tomato…yep, nothing to do with essential oils. There was a pot on the porch that had been sitting for months with nothing but dirt, until one day a little green poked through (not by any of my doing). Since everything I tried to grow would die, I decided that we would just let this go and see what happened. Lo and behold, it continued grow, then little flowers showed up, then little green balls that slowly turned red. I still didn’t know what it was until my mom showed up one day and I asked her. “It’s a tomato,” she said, with a bit of skepticism…like, how could a daughter of mine not know what a tomato is. “Can I eat it?” I asked her. Uhhh…”Jenny, it’s a tomato.” Well, I picked it and ate it, all while realizing how removed I’d become from nature and the source of our food.
That started me down a journey full of composting, worm bins, kombucha, home fermentation, gardens where we grow food on purpose, chickens, bees, a few dogs, two bunnies (RIP Strawberry), and our Leopard Gecko, Freckles. A few years ago, I came to the part of the journey where I was looking for more natural options for our family’s wellness because I always felt like there was some other way, besides the purple syrups, and colored pills from the corner store. I started using oils occasionally from about 6-7 different brands, but didn’t really know how to use them, so most of them gathered dust in the cabinet. I wasn’t particular, but it didn’t really click until I started using Young Living. The oils had the effects I was expecting but never got from the other brands, I had educational resources available that I’d never had before so I could easily find information that helped me, and the fact that I can visit their farms was a huge deal. Now, the stories I hear back from the many, many families who’ve joined me in incorporating more natural solutions in to their families inspire and encourage me to keep sharing that there are effective alternatives to support our health and wellness. I keep learning so I can keep educating those around me, and I’m excited to share that with you. Click here to start your journey!